Contact the Media

Here is information on how to submit letters and opinion pieces to some local newspapers.

The Sun Current

This local weekly has both print and digital versions.

Letters to the editor are printed online only.

Sun Newspapers welcomes letters to the editor on local topics and issues. The deadline for letters is 5 p.m. Thursdays, for the following Thursday's publication. Guidelines:

  • Letters may be no longer than 300 words.

  • All letters must include the letter writer’s name, address, daytime and evening phone numbers for verification purposes.

  • Commentary in letters must relate specifically to issues in our local communities. We will not publish form letters.

  • Writers may be asked to verify facts and provide documentation for their statements.

  • Editors reserve the right to edit for content and length. We reserve the right not to publish any letter.  We may limit the number of letters published about a candidate or issue.

  • Letter writers will be limited to no more than one letter published every four weeks.

Send your letters to:, or to Sun Current Letters to the Editor, 10917 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

If you are bold and wish to write an article, contact the editor,



MinnPost is an online, independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces thoughtful, in-depth journalism about civic and cultural affairs impacting Minnesota.

MinnPost’s Community Voices section operates like an op-ed page at a newspaper: People submit opinion pieces — some once and never again, and some repeatedly. There is no ongoing commitment. We like to publish a variety of topics, tones, political views, etc.

Here are the submission guidelines for Community Voices:

Star Tribune

The Star Tribune welcomes letters and commentaries from readers. Submit them here:

  • Letters to the editor are 250 words or less in length. Commentary submissions should be no more than 700 words.

  • Submissions must be exclusive to the Star Tribune. Letters and rebuttals to other articles become the property of the Star Tribune and may be republished in any format.

  • All submissions must include the author's real, legal name.  

  • What makes a good commentary? Read these guidelines:


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