Wildflowers and other plants in Central Park

Wildflower names, L to R by row:

Bloodroot, Blue Violet, Dutchman’s Breeches, Hoary Puccoons,

Marsh Marigold, Nodding Trillium, Pasque Flower, Prairie Plum,

Purple Avens aka Smoke Plant, Purple Coneflower, Siberian Squill, Skunk Cabbage,

Spiderwort, Wild Ginger, Jack in the Pulpit, Penstemon aka Beardtongue.

All photos except last two courtesy of Mary A. Last two by Chris-Ann L.

Scarlet Cup

Scarlet cup is a species of edible fungus in the family Sarcoscyphaceae.

They appear in late winter to early spring.

Scarlet cups are decomposers of dead wood, particularly in damp areas of a woodland floor.

They are found in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia.

Image taken in Central Park, 2024, by Connie A.


Every spring, bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) blooms in Central Park. The flowers last a few weeks and are gone.

The sap of the plant is red—hence the name “blood”—and poisonous.

The seeds are spread by ants. Each seed has a fleshy part called an elaiosome, which attracts the ants who take the seeds to their nests. After the elaiosomes are eaten, the seeds are discarded in the nest where they germinate and grow.


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